A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded automatically.

1654 Satisfied Learners


Duration of Training  :  60 hrs

Batch type  :  Weekdays/Weekends

Mode of Training  :  Classroom/Online/Corporate Training


Blockchain Training & Certification in Pune

Highly Experienced Certified Trainer with 10+ yrs Exp. in Industry

Realtime Projects, Scenarios & Assignments


Why Radical Technologies

100% Placement Guarantee for the Right Candidate

10+ Years Real Time Experienced Trainers

Learn from Industry Experts, Hands-on labs

Flexible Options: online, instructor-led, self-paced

14+ Years of Industry Recognitions

1 Lakh+ Students Trained

50,000+ Students Placed

Guaranteed 5+ Interview Calls

Top MNCs - Associated with 800+ Recruiters

Free Internship Project & Certification

Monthly Job Fair - Virtual as well as Physica

5000+ Reviews & Ratings


Blockchain | Bitcoin | Cryptocurrency | Ethereum Based Smart Contract | Ethereum Developer | Solidity | Solidity Security | Smart Contract Development & Deployment | Hyperledger


  • Real Time Projects, Assignments, scenarios are parts of the course
  • Installations, Development, Interview Preparations, Certification Preparation, Repeat the session until 6 months are all attractions of this particular course


Trainer :- Certified Blockchain Developer

Want to be Future Blockchain Developer

Introduction: Blockchain Certification Training will help you understand the underlying mechanisms of Bitcoin transaction systems,  Ethereum & Hyperledger & Smart contract & Solidity. Together with learning to setup your own public/private blockchain environment, you’ll also master the concepts like Cryptography & Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Networks, Bitcoin Mining & Security, Multichain, developing smart contract on Ethereum & Hyperledger Platform.

Blockchain Developer From Beginner to Advanced Level.

This Blockchain Course is designed to introduce you to the concept of blockchain and explain the fundamentals of blockchain and bitcoin From Beginner to Advanced Level. The course will provide complete knowledge of the structure and mechanism of blockchain. As a beginner, you will be learning the importance of consensus in transactions, how transactions are stored on blockchain, history of bitcoin and how to use bitcoin. Furthermore, you will be taught about the Ethereum platform and its programming language. You will setup your own private blockchain environment using Ethereum. In addition, you will develop a smart contract on private Ethereum blockchain and will be deploying the contract from web and console. Consecutively, you will learn to deploy business network using Hyperledger Composer. You will learn to set up private blockchain using Multichain platform. Towards the end of the course we will be discussing various practical use cases of blockchain to enhance your learning experience.

What am I going to get from this course?

After completing this Course, you should be able to:

  • Comprehend the cryptography and cryptocurrency concepts
  • Encompass the concept of blockchain
  • Understand the importance of blockchain technology
  • Have a deep insight into bitcoin and its network
  • Perceive, how bitcoin transactions are validated by miners
  • Create and use bitcoin account effectively
  • Understand Ethereum blockchain
  • Learn Solidity: Prominent language to develop smart contracts
  • Deploy your private blockchain on web where you can visually see your chains
  • Send transactions between nodes
  • Infer Hyperledger project
  • Install and run Hyperledger Composer Playground locally
  • Deploy and test business network using Composer
  • Develop private Blockchain in MultiChain
  • Discuss the compelling use-cases of the blockchain
  • Interpret the prospects of blockchain
  • Assess, how blockchain can improve your business standards 

Target audience?

Blockchain Certification Training can be a beneficial for with below mentioned profiles:-

  • Banking/Finance professionals
  • Software developers
  • Data Analyst or Data Engineer
  • Manager / Senior Manager

However, anyone having zeal to learn new technology can take up the course. Students and professionals aspiring to make a career in the blockchain technology should opt for the course.

Course Description

Blockchain is an innovative new way of recording transactions in a distributed public ledger. Bitcoin! The cryptocurrency that has been applauded, ridiculed, hacked (well, not directly), and dismissed. Yet it is trading at a high exchange rate against the USD. Whatever the fate of bitcoin, the technological breakthrough is worth studying. Blockchain is the distributed and decentralized database technology behind this cryptocurrency.

This course is designed to provide the participant with an introduction to Blockchain programming using the Ethereum platform.  During the semester, homework will be assigned to create your own crypto-currency, create your own private blockchain, mine for tokens, build smart contracts, and decentralized applications (Dapps).  The hands-on exercises, coupled with the in-class discussions will prepare the student with the knowledge sought by businesses looking to use blockchain technology.

Some programming experience is needed.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain what is open Blockchain platform
  • Explain what is Ethereum
  • Explain what are smart contracts, decentralized apps (Dapps), and decentralized anonymous organizations (DAOs)
  • Explain the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin
  • Explain open Blockchain platform’s current and potential uses
  • Explain Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and the technology behind most of offerings
  • Create new crypto-currency (token/coin)
  • Mine for tokens
  • Set-up blockchain development environment
  • Program using Solidity
  • Build smart contracts
  • Build decentralized applications (Dapps)

Block Chain Technical Course Content: 

Lesson 1:  Welcome To Blockchain

  • What is a Blockchain?
  • Making Your First Transaction
  • How Do Blockchains Work?
  • Consensus 

Lesson 2: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage

Basic Solidity

  • Versioning
  • Compiling
  • Contract Declaration
  • Types & Declaring Variables
  • uint256, int256, bool, string, address, bytes32
  • Default Initializations
  • Comments
  • Functions
  • Deploying a Contract
  • Calling a public state-changing Function
  • Visibility
  • Scope
  • View & Pure Functions
  • Structs
  • Intro to Storage
  • Arrays – Dynamic & Fixed sized
  • Compiler Errors and Warnings
  • Memory
  • Mappings
  • SPDX License

Deploying to a “Live” network

  • A testnet or mainnet
  • Find a faucet here
  • Connecting Metamask
  • Interacting with Deployed Contracts
  • The EVM

Lesson 3: Storage Factory

Inheritance, Factory Pattern, and Interacting with External Contracts

  • Factory Pattern
  • Imports
  • Deploy a Contract From a Contract
  • Interact With a Deployed Contract

Lesson 4: Fund Me

Payable, msg.sender, msg.value, Units of Measure

  • Payable
  • Wei/Gwei/Eth Converter
  • msg.sender & msg.value

Chainlink Oracles

  • Decentralized Oracle Network Chainlink
  • Blockchains can’t make API calls
  • Centralized Nodes are Points of Failure
  • Getting External Data with Chainlink Oracles
  • Chainlink
  • Faucets and Contract Addresses
  • Kovan
  • Getting Price Information

Importing from NPM and Advanced Solidity

  • Decimals/Floating Point Numbers in Solidity
  • latestRoundData
  • Importing from NPM in Remix
  • Interfaces
  • Introduction to ABIs
  • Getting Price Feed Addresses
  • getPrice
  • Tuples
  • Unused Tuple Variables
  • Matching Units (WEI/GWEI/ETH)
  • getConversionRate
  • Matching Units (Continued)
  • SafeMath & Integer Overflow
  • using keyword
  • Libraries
  • SafeMath PSA
  • Setting a Threshold
  • Require
  • Revert
  • Withdraw Function
  • Transfer
  • Balance
  • this
  • Contract Owners
  • Constructor
  • ==
  • Modifiers
  • Resetting
  • for loop
  • Array Length
  • Forcing a Transaction
  • Recap

Lesson 5: Simple Storage

Installing VSCode, Python, and Web3

  • VSCode
  • VSCode Crash Course
  • Extensions
  • Short Cuts:
  • VSCode Shortcuts
  • VSCode MacOS Shortcuts
  • Python
  • Install Troubleshooting
  • Terminal
  • Making a directory/Folder
  • Opening the folder up with VSCode
  • Creating a new file
  • Syntax Highlights
  • Remember to save!
  • Setting linting compile version
  • VSCode Solidity Settings
  • Formatting & Format on Save
  • Solidity Prettier
  • Python Black
  • pip

Python Script with – Deploying a Contract

  • Reading our solidity file
  • Running a Python Script in the Terminal
  • MaxOS Shortcuts
  • Windows Shortcuts
  • Linux Shortcuts
  • Compiling in Python
  • py-solc-x
  • compile_standard
  • Colorized Brackets
  • Saving Compiled Code
  • Formatting JSON
  • Deploying in Python
  • Get Bytecode
  • Get ABI
  • Choose Blockchain to Deploy To
  • Local Ganache Chain
  • Ganache UI
  • Ganache Command Line
  • HTTP / RPC Provider
  • Private Keys MUST start with “0x”
  • Contract Object
  • Building a Transaction
  • Account Nonce
  • Calling “Contructor”
  • Transaction Parameters
  • Signing the Transaction
  • NEVER put your private key directly in your code
  • Setting Environment Variables (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
  • More on Windows Environment Variables
  • Exported Environment Variables Only Last the Duration of the Shell/Terminal
  • Private Key PSA
  • .env file
  • .gitignore
  • Loading .env File in Python
  • python-dotenv
  • Viewing our Transaction / Deployment in Ganache
  • Waiting for Block Confirmations

Interacting with Our Contract in Python &

  • 2 Things you always need
  • Contract Address
  • Contract ABI
  • Getting address from transaction receipt
  • Calling a view function with
  • Call vs Transact
  • Updating State with
  • ganache-cli
  • Installing Ganache
  • Install Nodejs
  • Install Yarn
  • Working with ganache-cli
  • Open a new terminal in the same window
  • Deploying to a testnet
  • Infura
  • Alchemy
  • Using Infura RPC URL / HTTP Provider
  • Chain Ids

Lesson 6: Brownie Simple Storage

Brownie Introduction

Installing Brownie

  • Installing Brownie
  • Install pipx
  • pipx install eth-brownie
  • Testing Successful Install

Brownie Simple Storage Project

  • A new Brownie project with brownie init
  • Project Basic Explanation
  • Adding SimpleStorage.sol to the contracts folder
  • Compiling with brownie compile
  • Brownie deploy script
  • def main is brownie’s entry point
  • brownie defaults to a development ganache chain that it creates
  • Placing functions outside of the main function
  • brownie accounts
  • 3 Ways to Add Accounts
  • accounts[0]: Brownie’s “default” ganache accounts
  • Only works for local ganache
  • accounts.load(“…”): Brownie’s encrypted command line (MOST SECURE)
  • Run brownie accounts new <name> and enter your private key and a password
  • accounts.add(config[“wallets”][“from_key”]): Storing Private Keys as an environment variable, and pulling from our brownie-config.yaml
  • You’ll need to add dotenv: .env to your brownie-config.yaml and have a .env file
  • Importing a Contract
  • Contract.Deploy
  • View Function Call in Brownie
  • State-Changing Function Call in Brownie / Contract Interaction
  • transaction.wait(1)

Testing Basics

  • Arrange, Act, Assert
  • assert
  • brownie test
  • test_updating_storage
  • Pytest / Brownie Test Tips
  • Deploy to a Testnet
  • brownie networks list
  • Development vs Ethereum
  • Development is temporary
  • Ethereum networks persist
  • RPC URL / HTTP Provider in Brownie
  • The network flag
  • list index out of range
  • get_account()
  • networks.show_active()
  • build/deployments
  • Accessing previous deployments
  • Interacting with contracts deployed in our brownie project

Lesson 7: Brownie Fund Me


  • Setup

Dependencies, Deploying, and Networks

  • Dependencies
  • chainlink-brownie-contracts
  • remappings
  • Deploy Script (V1)
  • Deploy to Rinkeby
  • Contract Verification (publish_source)
  • The Manual Way
  • “Flattening”
  • The Programatic Way
  • Getting an Etherscan API Key
  • Interacting with Etherscan
  • Deploying to Local Chains
  • Introduction to Mocking
  • Constructor Parameters
  • networks in our brownie-config.yaml
  • Copying Mock Contracts from chainlink-mix
  • Deploying and using our mock
  • Refactoring
  • Deploying to a persistent ganache
  • brownie attach
  • Adding a persistent brownie network
  • resetting a network build

Funding and Withdrawing Python Scripts

  • Fund Script
  • Withdraw Script

Testing across networks

  • test_can_fund_and_withdraw
  • default networks
  • pytest pip install pytest
  • pytest.skip
  • brownie exceptions
  • mainnet-fork
  • Custom mainnet fork
  • Adding a development brownie network
  • brownie networks add development mainnet-fork-dev cmd=ganache-cli host= fork=’$WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID’ accounts=10 mnemonic=brownie port=8545
  • Alchemy
  • brownie test –network mainnet-fork
  • brownie ganache vs local ganache vs mainnet-fork vs testnet…


  • Installing Git
  • Creating a repository
  • First time with git
  • Adding our project to github

Lesson 8: SmartContract Lottery


  • Add a
  • Defining the project
  • Is it decentralized?


  • basic setup
  • Main Functions
  • address payable[]
  • getEntranceFee & Setup
  • Chainlink Price Feed
  • brownie-config
  • SPDX
  • Matching Units of Measure
  • Can’t just divide
  • Test early and often
  • Quick Math Sanity Check
  • deleting networks
  • Alchemy again
  • Enum
  • startLottery
  • Openzeppelin… Is this the first openzeppelin reference?
  • Openzeppelin Contracts Github
  • Randomness
  • Pseudorandomness
  • block keyword
  • block.difficulty
  • block.timestamp
  • keccack256
  • True Randomness with Chainlink VRF
  • Chainlink VRF Remix Version
  • Inheriting Constructors
  • Oracle Gas & Transaction Gas
  • Why didn’t we pay gas on the price feeds?
  • Chainlink Node Fees
  • Request And Receive Introduction
  • Kovan Faucets
  • Funding Chainlink Contracts
  • Request And Receive Explanation
  • A Clarification
  • endLottery
  • returns (type variableName)
  • fulfillRandomness
  • override
  • Modulo Operation (Mod Operation %)
  • Paying the lottery winner
  • Resetting the lottery

Testing Lottery.sol

  • get_account() refactored
  • get_contract
  • contract_to_mock
  • Contract.from_abi
  • Adding the parameters to deploying to lottery
  • vrfCoordinatorMock and adding mocks
  • LinkToken and Mocks
  • Successful Ganache Deployment!
  • Python Lottery Scripts/Functions
  • start_lottery
  • Brownie tip: Remember to tx.wait(1) your last transaction
  • enter_lottery
  • end_lottery
  • Funding with LINK
  • brownie interfaces
  • Waiting for callback
  • Integration Tests & Unit Tests
  • Test all lines of code
  • test_get_entrance_fee
  • pytest.skip (again)
  • test_cant_enter_unless_started
  • test_can_start_and_enter_lottery
  • test_can_pick_winner_correctly
  • Events and Logs
  • callBackWithRandomness

Lesson 9: ERC20s, EIPs, and Token Standards

  • ERC20/EIP20 Standard
  • What is an ERC20?
  • Creating an ERC20
  • OpenZeppelin ERC20
  • Solidity 0.8
  • I Challenge you to code this yourself!
  • Copy paste
  • Viewing our token in metamask
  • Adding to an exchange

Lesson 10: Defi & Aave

Defi Intro

  • Defipulse
  • Defillama
  • Aave Testnet Site
  • Paraswap
  • Decentralized Exchange

Aave UI

  • Kovan ETH
  • What is Aave?
  • Borrowing and Lending
  • Connecting to Aave
  • Depositing Tokens / Lending
  • Checking your transaction is correct
  • WETH Gateway
  • Interest Bearing Token (aToken)
  • Collateral
  • DAI
  • Stablecoin
  • Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC)
  • Why borrow tokens?
  • Blockchain Fintech Tutorial
  • Borrowing Tokens
  • Liquidations
  • Your health factor must be above 1
  • Solvent
  • Stable vs Variable Interest Rate
  • Repaying our borrows/loans
  • Reward token / governance token
  • Governance

Programmatic Interactions with Aave

  • Quant Defi Engineer
  • Aave Documentation
  • Setup
  • Converting ETH -> WETH
  • Kovan WETH Token Address: 0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c
  • Mainnet WETH Token Address: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
  • Converting WETH -> ETH with withdraw
  • LendingPool
  • LendingPoolAddressProvider
  • LendingPool and LendingPoolAddressProvider Addresses
  • Fixing import dependencies
  • Aave Github
  • ERC20 Approve Function
  • IERC20 from Patrick’s repo
  • deposit
  • getUserAccountData
  • Liquidation Threshold
  • Risk Parameters
  • Borrowing DAI
  • Getting DAI Conversion Rate
  • Chainlink Price Feeds
  • AggregatorV3Interface
  • borrow
  • Mainnet DAI Address: 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
  • Aave Testnet Token Addresses
  • Repaying
  • Kovan Run
  • Viewing the transactions

Lesson 11: NFTs

Non-Technical Explainer

  • End-to-end article
  • What is an NFT?
  • ERC721
  • Token URI
  • Token Metadata Example
  • IPFS

Simple NFT

  • brownie mix
  • Initial Setup
  • SimpleCollectible.sol
  • OpenZeppelin ERC721
  • Pug Image
  • NFT Constructor
  • NFT is a type of factory pattern
  • createCollectible
  • _safeMint
  • TokenURI & Metadata
  • Opensea listing example
  • Is this decentralized?
  • Ethereum Size and dStorage
  • Ethereum Size
  • dStorage Solutions
  • IPFS
  • You need to have your NFT attributes both on-chain and inside your tokenURI metadata
  • TokenURI used for the demo:
  • IPFS Companion
  • Rinkeby Deployment
  • Opensea Example

Advanced deploy_and_create

  • Move OPENSEA_URL to helpful_scripts
  • Deploying AdvancedCollectible
  • Opensea testnet is only compatible with Rinkeby
  • Rinkeby Chainlink VRF Contract Addresses
  • Speeding through adding functions from previous projects
  • Deploy to Rinkeby
  • A quick unit test
  • A quick integration test

Creating Metadata & IPFS

  • get_breed
  • Metadata Folder
  • metadata_template
  • NFT Metadata Attributes
  • Checking if Metadata file already exists
  • Uploading to IPFS
  • upload_to_ipfs
  • Download IPFS Command Line
  • Download IPFS Desktop
  • HTTP IPFS Docs
  • ipfs daemon
  • Pinata
  • Pinata Docs
  • Refactoring to not re-upload to IPFS
  • Setting the TokenURI
  • End-To-End Manual Testnet Test
  • Viewing on Opensea

Lesson 12: Upgrades

Introduction to upgrading smart contracts

  • Smart Contracts can be upgraded!
  • Does this mean they are not immutable?
  • Trail of Bits on Upgradeable Smart Contracts
  • The “Not Really Upgrading” / Parameterization Method
  • The Social Yeet / Migration Method
  • Contract Migration
  • Proxies
  • DelegateCall
  • Terminology:
  • Implementation Contract
  • Proxy Contract
  • User
  • Admin
  • Gotchas:
  • Storage Clashes
  • Function Selector
  • Function Selector Clashes
  • Proxy Patterns:
  • Transparent Proxy Pattern
  • Universal Upgrade Proxy Standard
  • Diamond/Multi-Facet Proxy

Upgrades-mix and code

    • Setup
    • Box.sol
    • BoxV2.sol
    • Getting the proxy contracts
    • Openzeppelin Proxy Github
    • Hooking up a proxy to our implementation contract
    • Initializers
    • Encoding Initializer Function
    • Assigning ABI to a proxy
    • Running the script
    • Upgrade Python Function

Student Stories and Reviews :

Enrolling in Radical Technologies' Blockchain Developer Course in Pune was the best decision I've made for my career. The comprehensive curriculum and hands-on projects prepared me for real-world challenges in blockchain development.

Radical Student

Thanks to Radical Technologies, I successfully obtained my Azure Blockchain Certification. The instructors were highly knowledgeable and provided personalized guidance throughout the Full Stack Blockchain Developer Course in Pune.

Radical Student

I highly recommend Radical Technologies for anyone looking to kickstart their career in blockchain development. The Blockchain Developer Online Course in Pune offered flexible learning options without compromising on quality.

Radical Student

The Smart Contracts Developer Course at Radical Technologies was exactly what I needed to advance my skills in blockchain technology. The practical training and industry insights were invaluable.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies' Blockchain Training in Pune exceeded my expectations. The instructors went above and beyond to ensure that every student understood the concepts thoroughly.

Radical Student

The Blockchain Development Full Course provided by Radical Technologies equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to pursue lucrative opportunities in the blockchain industry.

Radical Student

As a beginner in blockchain technology, I found Radical Technologies' Blockchain Course for Beginners to be incredibly helpful. The step-by-step guidance and supportive environment made learning enjoyable.

Radical Student

I am grateful for the opportunity to enroll in Radical Technologies' Blockchain Developer Training. The instructors were passionate about the subject matter and provided valuable insights into blockchain programming.

Radical Student

The Cryptocurrency Course with Certificate offered by Radical Technologies opened doors to exciting career prospects. The practical assignments and industry-relevant projects set me up for success.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies not only provided top-notch Blockchain Training but also assisted me with placement opportunities. I am now working in a rewarding role in blockchain development, thanks to their support.

Radical Student

The Online Blockchain Certification program at Radical Technologies allowed me to balance my studies with other commitments. The flexible schedule and interactive online platform made learning convenient.

Radical Student

I enrolled in Radical Technologies' Blockchain Technology Online Course to stay updated with the latest advancements. The course content was comprehensive, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques.

Radical Student

The Blockchain Developer Certification from Radical Technologies helped me stand out in a competitive job market. Employers recognized the credibility of the certification, giving me a competitive edge.

Radical Student

The Blockchain Programming Courses offered by Radical Technologies provided a solid foundation for building my career in blockchain development. The hands-on experience and practical assignments were invaluable.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies' Blockchain Course with Certificate gave me the confidence to pursue my passion for blockchain technology. The industry-recognized certification opened doors to new opportunities and career growth.

Radical Student

FAQs :

The duration of our Full Stack Blockchain Developer Course in Pune varies depending on the specific program. Typically, our courses range from 6 weeks to 3 months, providing comprehensive coverage of blockchain development concepts and practical skills.

Yes, absolutely! We understand the demands of balancing work and study. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend classes, to accommodate working professionals who wish to enroll in our courses.

While prior programming experience is beneficial, it’s not mandatory for our Blockchain Developer Training. Our courses cater to learners of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals, and our instructors provide comprehensive support to ensure everyone can grasp the concepts effectively.

Yes, we offer placement assistance to our students upon completion of the Blockchain Training in Pune. Our dedicated placement cell works closely with leading companies in the industry to connect our graduates with exciting job opportunities in blockchain development.

Yes, our Blockchain Online Course offers access to course materials, lectures, and interactive sessions through our online learning platform. You can conveniently study from anywhere with an internet connection, at your own pace.

Our Smart Contracts Developer Course is designed by industry experts to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in smart contract development. With hands-on projects and real-world applications, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of smart contract implementation and its significance in blockchain technology.

Yes, we offer various financial aid options, including scholarships and installment payment plans, to eligible students for the Blockchain Development Course. Please reach out to our admissions team for more information on available assistance programs.

Yes, upon successful completion of the Blockchain Certification Online Course in Pune, you will receive a certificate issued by Radical Technologies. This certificate validates your proficiency in blockchain technology and enhances your credibility in the job market.

There are no specific prerequisites for enrolling in the Cryptocurrency Course with Certificate. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, our course is designed to accommodate learners of all levels and provide comprehensive coverage of cryptocurrency concepts.

Enrolling in our Blockchain Programming Courses is easy! Simply visit our website or contact our admissions team to learn about upcoming course schedules and registration procedures. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.


Most Probable Interview Questions for Blockchain Developer

Interview Question No. 1 for Blockchain Developer : Can you explain the concept of blockchain technology and its significance in modern applications?

Interview Question No. 2 for Blockchain Developer : What programming languages are commonly used in blockchain development, and which ones are you proficient in?

Interview Question No. 3 for Blockchain Developer : How do you ensure the security and integrity of data stored on a blockchain network?

Interview Question No. 4 for Blockchain Developer : Can you discuss the process of creating and deploying smart contracts on blockchain platforms?

Interview Question No. 5 for Blockchain Developer : What experience do you have with blockchain consensus mechanisms, and how do they impact network scalability and performance?

Interview Question No. 6 for Blockchain Developer : Have you worked on any blockchain projects that involve tokenization or cryptocurrency development? If so, can you describe your role and contributions?

Interview Question No. 7 for Blockchain Developer : How do you approach debugging and troubleshooting issues in blockchain applications, especially in decentralized environments?

Interview Question No. 8 for Blockchain Developer : Can you discuss any challenges you’ve faced in previous blockchain projects and how you overcame them?

Interview Question No. 9 for Blockchain Developer : What tools and frameworks do you typically use for blockchain development, and why do you prefer them?

Interview Question No. 10 for Blockchain Developer : How do you stay updated with the latest advancements and best practices in blockchain technology?


Learn Blockchain Developer – Course in Pune with Training, Certification & Guaranteed Job Placement Assistance!

Welcome to Radical Technologies, the premier destination in Pune for comprehensive Blockchain Developer Courses and Training with Certifications. As a leading institute, we offer a cutting-edge curriculum designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the dynamic world of blockchain technology.

Our Full Stack Blockchain Developer Course in Pune is meticulously crafted to cover every aspect of blockchain development, from the fundamentals to advanced concepts. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced professional, our course caters to learners of all levels. With hands-on projects and real-world applications, you’ll gain practical experience that will set you apart in the industry.

At Radical Technologies, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve. That’s why we offer specialized training in Azure Blockchain Certification, ensuring that our students are proficient in the latest technologies and platforms. Our expert instructors guide you through the intricacies of blockchain development, empowering you to harness the full potential of Azure blockchain solutions.

With our flexible scheduling options, including Full Stack Blockchain Online Course in Pune and Blockchain Developer Online Course in Pune, you can learn at your own pace, from anywhere in the world. Our online courses are designed to provide the same high-quality instruction and hands-on experience as our in-person classes, making it easier than ever to pursue your passion for blockchain development.

In addition to our comprehensive curriculum, we also offer Smart Contracts Developer Course, ensuring that you have the specialized skills needed to succeed in this rapidly evolving field. Our Blockchain Training and Certification Courses cover a wide range of topics, including cryptocurrency, blockchain programming, and more.

Whether you’re looking to start a new career or advance in your current one, Radical Technologies is here to support your goals. Join us today and unlock your potential in the exciting world of blockchain technology. Enroll now and take the first step towards a rewarding career in blockchain development!


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DataQubez University creates meaningful Blockchain certifications that are recognized in the industry as a confident measure of qualified, capable Blockchain experts. How do we accomplish that mission? DataQubez certifications are exclusively hands on, performance-based exams that require you to complete a set of tasks. Demonstrate your expertise with the most sought-after technical skills. Blockchain success requires professionals who can prove their mastery with the tools and techniques of the Blockchain Stack. However, experts predict a major shortage of advanced Development skills over the next few years. At DataQubez, we’re drawing on our industry leadership and early corpus of real-world experience to address the Blockchain talent gap.

How To Become Certified Blockchain Developer

Certification Code – DQCP – 703

Certification Description – DataQubez Certified Professional Blockchain Developer

Exam Objectives

  • Introduction
  • What is Blockchain in real life?
  • Why is Blockchain better than traditional technologies?
  • Benefits of using Blockchain Technology
    • Provenance
    • Consensus
    • Security
    • High Availability
    • Finality
    • Immutability
  • Bitcoin & Blockchain: What is the relation?
  • Ethereum & Smart Contracts
  • Private vs. Public Blockchain
  • Why is it called a P2P network?
  • Sample Transaction: How transaction gets executed & distributed?
  • Consensus: How conflicts are being resolved?
  • When to use a Blockchain & when not?
  • What is Blockchain mining?
  • What are Miners? What does a Miner do?
  • Security: Why Blockchain is Secure?
  • Attacks: How Blockchain Can Be Hacked
  • Private Blockchain: Can I set up my own Blockchain?
  • What are Some Different Blockchain Technologies?
    • Ethereum
    • MultiChain
    • Hyperledger
    • Stratis
    • etc.
  • Blockchain-as-a-Service
    • Microsoft Azure
    • IBM Bluemix
  • Use Cases: Supply-chain
    • Vendor Payment
    • Inventory Management
    • Asset Tracking
    • Regulatory Audit & Security
  • Use Cases: Healthcare Record Keeping
    • Health Record Management
    • Hospital Supply Tracking & Tracing
    • Faster Claim Settlement
    • Administrative & Regulatory Audit
    • Equipment tracking
    • Clinical Trials Record Keeping

For Exam Registration , Click here:

Trainer for Blockchain course is having 11 years of exp. in the same technologies, he is industry expert. Trainer itself IBM & DataQubez Certified Blockchain Developer. And also he is certified data scientist from The University of Chicago.

  • Training By 11+ Years experienced Real Time Trainer
  • A pool of 200+ real time Practical Sessions on Blockchain and Smart Contract
  • Scenarios and Assignments to make sure you compete with current Industry standards
  • World class training methods
  • Training  until the candidate get placed
  • Certification and Placement Support until you get certified and placed
  • All training in reasonable cost
  • 10000+ Satisfied candidates
  • 5000+ Placement Records
  • Corporate and Online Training in reasonable Cost
  • Complete End-to-End Project with Each Course
  • World Class Lab Facility which facilitates I3 /I5 /I7 Servers and Cisco UCS Servers
  •  Covers Topics other than from Books which is required for the IT Industry
  • Resume And Interview preparation with 100% Hands-on Practical sessions
  • Doubt clearing sessions any time after the course
  • Happy to help you any time after the course

In classroom we solve real time problem, and also  push students to create at-least a demo model and push his/her code into GIT, also in class we solve real time problem or data world problems.

Radical technologies, we believe that the best way to learn job-skills is from industry professionals. So, we are building an alternate higher education system, when you can learn job-skills from industry experts and get certified by companies. we complete the course as in classroom method with 85% Practical scenarios complete hands-on on each and every point of the course. and if student faces any issue in future he/she can join also in next batch. These courses are delivered through a live interactive classroom platform

Blockchain Senior Solution Architecture

Our Courses

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