Satisfied Learners


Duration of Training  :  70 hrs

Batch type  :  Weekdays/Weekends

Mode of Training  :  Classroom/Online/Corporate Training


Sel. + Cuc. + Rest Ass. + Jen. Training & Certification in Pune

Highly Experienced Certified Trainer with 10+ yrs Exp. in Industry

Realtime Projects, Scenarios & Assignments


Why Radical Technologies

100% Placement Guarantee for the Right Candidate

10+ Years Real Time Experienced Trainers

Learn from Industry Experts, Hands-on labs

Flexible Options: online, instructor-led, self-paced

14+ Years of Industry Recognitions

1 Lakh+ Students Trained

50,000+ Students Placed

Guaranteed 5+ Interview Calls

Top MNCs - Associated with 800+ Recruiters

Free Internship Project & Certification

Monthly Job Fair - Virtual as well as Physica

5000+ Reviews & Ratings






Basics of Manual Testing

  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Testing
  3. Development life cycle
  4. Testing life cycle
  5. Bug life cycle
  6. Different development models
    • Water fall
    • Agile

Core Java

  1. Introduction
  2. Java programming Keywords
  3. Oops concepts
    • Abstraction
    • Polymorphism
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Method overloading & Method overriding
  4. Literals
  5. Data types
  6. Local and global variables
  7. Classes & objects
  8. Access specifies
  9. Creating & Importing packages
  10. Exception Handling
  11. Interface
  12. Collection Framework
    • ArrayList
    • LinkList
    • HashMap
    • HashSet
    • TreeSet

Automation need

  1. Why
  2. When
  3. How


  1. Configuring Eclipse
  2. Write & compile Java programs
  3. Debug java code
  4. Run Java code
  5. Write and Execute sample java programs


  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring TestNG
  3. Annotations
  4. Composing tests
  5. Assertions
  6. Generating reports
  7. Trouble shooting

Basics of Selenium

  1. Introduction
  2. Why selenium
  3. Selenium Vs Other automation tool (QTP)
  4. Selenium components
    • Selenium Core
    • Selenium IDE
    • Selenium RC (1.0)
    • Selenium Webdriver (3.0)
    • Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE

  1. Introduction
  2. IDE features
  3. Installing & configuring IDE
  4. Inspecting elements in IDE
  5. Recording and playback the scripts
  6. Building test cases
  7. Running test cases
  8. Debugging

Selenium Webdriver (3.0)

  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring Webdriver with Eclipse
  3. Create project
  4. Create and run tests
  5. Executing tests on multiple browsers Debugging tests
    • IE
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
  6. Using locators (Id, Class, Name, xpath, css etc)
  7. Choosing locating Strategies
  8. Handling Security popups / Alerts / Dialog boxes
  9. Error Handling
  10. Working with various Web Elements
    • Buttons
    • Input boxes
    • List
    • Links
    • Radio buttons
    • Check boxes
    • Comboboxes /dropdowns

Advanced Selenium Webdriver

  1. Complex xpath construction(relative xpath, xpath for tables)
  2. Attachment using native window
  3. Handling iFrame/Frame
  4. File Upload/Download
  5. Screenshots
  6. UI Mapping/Object Map
  7. Data Handling
  8. Parameterization
  9. Waits in Selenium
    • Implicit wait
    • Explicit wait.
  10. Automating Web Table and creating generic library.
  11. Action Class

Selenium Grid

  1. Hub and node concepts
  2. Configuration of selenium Grid
  3. Executing test using Selenium Grid and TestNG

Automation Framework

  1. What is Automation Framework?
  2. Data Driven Framework
  3. Keyword Driven Framework
  4. Hybrid Framework
  5. Page Object Model
  6. Reading the data from external files (Excel)
  7. Executing test in parallel using Selenium and TestNG
  8. Hands on experience

Advanced Automation Framework Understanding

  1. Selenium Integration with build tool. (MAVEN)
  2. Database testing using selenium
  3. Integration with Continuous Integration tool (Jenkins/Hudson)
  4. Common Automation platform development for Desktop, REST api, Mobile Automation



Cucumber/BDD Basics
1. Overview
2. How to use cucumber

Gherkin Introduction
1. Basics

1. Given
2. When
3. Then
4. And
5. But
6. Feature
7. Background
8. Scenario
9. Scenario Outline
10. Examples

Cucumber Implementation
1. Scenario and Feature file
2. Multiple scenario in feature
3. Parameterization tests
4. Maps in Data Table
5. Cucumbers Tags
6. Cucumber hooks
7. Multiple Feature and Step Def File

8. Report Generation



1. Introduction
2. URI
3. Response
4. Request
5. Body
6. Headers
7. Status code
9. Authentication

HTTP Methods
2. GET

Setup and Configuration
1. Java 1.8_171
2. Eclipse
3. Maven
4. Rest Assured Library

10. Given
11. When
12. Then

Request &Response
1. Request Specification
2. Response
3. Validation
4. Reading data from Json File and updating Json file
5. Updating json text runtime with JSONObjet(org.json)
6. Post the data as a Json text file.
7. Post the data as Json String
8. Validation with JsonPath

9. Comparing/Validating complete Json Response with expected Response
10. Comparing/Validating desired data from entire response
11. Asserts of Rest Assured/Assert of TestNG
12. Get request with Filter parameter e.g. Query/Path parameter
13. DataDriven Testing for Webservices
14. Report Generation


1. GIT account creation
2. GIT integration with Eclipse
3. Uploading code to GIT repository
4. Installation and configuration of Jenkins
5. Jenkins Job creation with GIT code
6. Execution of the Jenkins job and Report Generation
7. Scheduling the Jenkins job
8. Cucumber Report Generation

Student Stories and Reviews :

Radical Technologies provided me with hands-on training in Selenium, Cucumber, Rest Assured, and Jenkins. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, making the learning experience enjoyable.

Radical Student

I enrolled in Radical Technologies' Selenium course and was impressed by the depth of coverage and practical exercises. Highly recommended for anyone looking to advance their career in test automation.

Radical Student

The Jenkins DevOps training at Radical Technologies exceeded my expectations. The course content was comprehensive, and the instructors were passionate about sharing their expertise.

Radical Student

As a beginner in automation testing, I found the Selenium with Cucumber BDD course at Radical Technologies to be extremely helpful. The step-by-step guidance and real-world examples made complex concepts easy to understand.

Radical Student

Rest Assured API testing certification at Radical Technologies was a game-changer for me. The course equipped me with the skills needed to excel in API testing projects.

Radical Student

I'm grateful for the practical knowledge I gained from the Jenkins automation testing course at Radical Technologies. The instructors' industry experience added immense value to the training.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies provided me with the confidence and skills to implement automation pipelines in Jenkins. The hands-on labs were particularly beneficial in reinforcing concepts.

Radical Student

The Selenium and Cucumber training institute at Radical Technologies offers top-notch instruction and a supportive learning environment. I'm glad I chose them for my training.

Radical Student

The Rest Assured framework certification course at Radical Technologies helped me elevate my API testing skills to the next level. The course materials were comprehensive and easy to follow.

Radical Student

The Rest Assured framework certification course at Radical Technologies helped me elevate my API testing skills to the next level. The course materials were comprehensive and easy to follow.

Radical Student

I highly recommend the Jenkins continuous integration and delivery course at Radical Technologies. The course content is relevant, and the instructors are knowledgeable and approachable.

Radical Student

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured training at Radical Technologies provided me with a solid foundation in automation testing. The practical exercises and real-world projects were invaluable.

Radical Student

Enrolling in the Jenkins pipeline automation certification course at Radical Technologies was one of the best decisions I've made for my career. The course prepared me for real-world automation challenges.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies' Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured online course offers flexibility without compromising on quality. The interactive sessions and expert guidance made remote learning enjoyable.

Radical Student

I'm impressed by the professionalism and dedication of the instructors at Radical Technologies' Jenkins automation testing institute. The training prepared me well for industry challenges.

Radical Student

Completing the Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured certification at Radical Technologies boosted my confidence in automation testing. The certification is highly regarded in the industry.

Radical Student

The Jenkins CI/CD training and certification course at Radical Technologies provided me with the skills needed to implement efficient CI/CD pipelines. I'm grateful for the practical insights shared by the instructors.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies' Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured course in Pune offers comprehensive coverage of test automation principles. The hands-on approach accelerated my learning.

Radical Student

The Jenkins automation framework certification course at Radical Technologies helped me optimize our team's automation efforts. The course content was relevant and up-to-date.

Radical Student

Attending the Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured workshop at Radical Technologies was a rewarding experience. The interactive sessions and expert guidance enhanced my testing skills.

Radical Student

Radical Technologies' Jenkins DevOps automation training provided me with practical knowledge and insights into DevOps best practices. I highly recommend this course to aspiring DevOps engineers.

Radical Student

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured bootcamp at Radical Technologies was intense but rewarding. The hands-on labs and group projects helped reinforce key concepts.

Radical Student

The Jenkins DevOps automation course at Radical Technologies equipped me with the skills needed to automate our deployment processes. The instructors' expertise was evident throughout the training.

Radical Student

Completing the Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured hands-on training at Radical Technologies was a significant milestone in my career. The course prepared me well for real-world testing challenges.

Radical Student

FAQs :

Selenium and Cucumber training is a program that teaches participants how to use Selenium for web automation testing and Cucumber for behavior-driven development (BDD) testing.

The Rest Assured certification course in Pune equips you with skills in API testing using Rest Assured, a popular Java library. It’s essential for quality assurance professionals and developers aiming to ensure the reliability of RESTful APIs.

Jenkins DevOps training covers the usage of Jenkins, a leading automation server, in the context of DevOps practices. Participants learn about continuous integration, delivery, and deployment pipelines.

Selenium with Cucumber BDD course integrates Selenium’s web automation capabilities with Cucumber’s BDD framework, enabling testers to write clear, concise, and easily understandable test scenarios.

Participants of the Rest Assured API testing certification course should have a basic understanding of Java programming and familiarity with API concepts like RESTful services.

The Jenkins automation testing course in Pune covers topics such as setting up Jenkins, configuring automation pipelines, integrating with version control systems, and executing tests.

Our Selenium and Cucumber training institute focuses on practical, hands-on learning experiences with real-world projects, ensuring students gain the skills needed for effective software testing.

The Rest Assured framework certification in Pune emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of API testing principles along with practical implementation using Rest Assured.

The Jenkins continuous integration and delivery course teach you how to streamline development workflows, improve code quality, and accelerate software delivery through automation.

Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured training in Pune provides you with a versatile skill set valued by industries, making you eligible for roles in test automation, quality assurance, and DevOps.

Yes, Jenkins pipeline automation certification caters to beginners by covering foundational concepts and gradually progressing to advanced topics in pipeline automation.

Yes, our Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured online course offers flexibility, allowing you to learn from anywhere with an internet connection at your preferred pace.

The Jenkins automation testing institute in Pune stands out for its expert instructors, practical approach, and industry-relevant curriculum designed to meet current market demands.

To earn Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured certification, participants must successfully complete the training program and pass the associated certification exam, demonstrating proficiency in all three technologies.

Jenkins CI/CD training and certification pave the way for careers in DevOps engineering, automation engineering, release engineering, and software development roles requiring CI/CD expertise.

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured course in Pune covers topics such as Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber BDD framework, API testing with Rest Assured, and integration testing strategies.

Jenkins automation framework certification enhances professionals’ skills in building scalable, maintainable automation frameworks using Jenkins, empowering them to deliver high-quality software efficiently.

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured workshop in Pune includes hands-on exercises, case studies, and projects designed to reinforce concepts and develop practical testing skills.

Jenkins DevOps automation training is crucial as it equips IT professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to implement efficient CI/CD pipelines, a cornerstone of modern software delivery practices.

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured workshop offers immersive learning experiences with interactive sessions, demonstrations, and real-world scenarios, facilitating deeper understanding and skill acquisition.

Yes, Jenkins automation engineer certification is recognized globally as a validation of expertise in automating software development and deployment processes using Jenkins.

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured bootcamp in Pune is an intensive training program designed to provide comprehensive coverage of the three technologies in a condensed timeframe.

Yes, beginners can enroll in the Jenkins DevOps automation course as it starts with foundational concepts and gradually progresses to advanced topics suitable for all skill levels.

Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured practical training emphasizes hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and guided practice sessions, ensuring participants gain practical proficiency in test automation and API testing.

The Jenkins automation testing bootcamp in Pune offers intensive training on Jenkins automation, covering topics such as pipeline creation, plugin management, and best practices in testing automation.

Participants in the Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured hands-on training engage in interactive labs, simulation exercises, and live projects to apply theoretical knowledge into practical scenarios effectively.

Yes, Jenkins continuous integration bootcamp caters to experienced professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of CI principles, Jenkins features, and advanced automation techniques.

Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured expert training offers advanced insights, best practices, and in-depth coverage of test automation strategies, making it ideal for professionals aiming for mastery in the field.

Jenkins automation testing practical course stands out for its emphasis on real-world applications, scenario-based learning, and expert guidance to prepare participants for industry challenges.

The Selenium Cucumber Rest Assured masterclass in Pune offers an immersive learning experience with expert-led sessions, advanced topics, and hands-on workshops tailored to elevate participants’ skills to master level.

Most Probable Interview Questions for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins

Interview Question No. 1 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you explain the role of Selenium in web automation testing and how it integrates with Cucumber for behavior-driven development (BDD) testing?

Interview Question No. 2 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How would you approach testing RESTful APIs using Rest Assured, and what are some key features of this testing framework?

Interview Question No. 3 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you discuss a project where you implemented Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Interview Question No. 4 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : What are some best practices for setting up and managing automation pipelines in Jenkins?

Interview Question No. 5 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Describe your experience with Selenium WebDriver and how you’ve used it to automate test scenarios in your previous projects.

Interview Question No. 6 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How do you handle dynamic elements and synchronization issues in Selenium automation scripts?

Interview Question No. 7 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you walk us through a scenario where you utilized Cucumber’s BDD framework to collaborate with non-technical stakeholders on defining and automating test cases?

Interview Question No. 8 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : What strategies do you employ to ensure the reliability and maintainability of your Selenium, Cucumber, and Rest Assured test suites?

Interview Question No. 9 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How do you approach API testing using Rest Assured, and what are the advantages of using this framework compared to other methods?

Interview Question No. 10 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Have you worked on implementing Jenkins pipeline automation? If so, could you elaborate on the stages you included in your pipeline and their significance?

Interview Question No. 11 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How do you handle test data management and parameterization in your Selenium and Cucumber test scripts?

Interview Question No. 12 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you discuss a scenario where you integrated Selenium, Cucumber, and Rest Assured to perform end-to-end testing for a web application?

Interview Question No. 13 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : What measures do you take to ensure cross-browser compatibility when executing Selenium test cases?

Interview Question No. 14 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Describe your experience with setting up Jenkins for automated testing. How do you configure Jenkins to trigger tests automatically upon code commits?

Interview Question No. 15 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Have you used Jenkins for deploying applications? If yes, could you explain the deployment process and any challenges you encountered?

Interview Question No. 16 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How do you manage and analyze test results generated from Selenium, Cucumber, and Rest Assured test runs?

Interview Question No. 17 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you discuss the advantages of incorporating Jenkins into a DevOps workflow, particularly regarding continuous integration and delivery?

Interview Question No. 18 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing automated tests with Selenium, Cucumber, and Rest Assured?

Interview Question No. 19 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : How do you ensure test coverage in your automation suite, and what metrics do you use to measure the effectiveness of your tests?

Interview Question No. 20 for Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins : Can you provide insights into your experience with Selenium Grid and how it facilitates parallel execution of test scripts across multiple environments?

Learn Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins – Course in Pune with Training, Certification & Guaranteed Job Placement Assistance!

Welcome to Radical Technologies, your premier destination for comprehensive training and certification in Selenium, Cucumber, Rest Assured, and Jenkins. At Radical Technologies, we’re dedicated to empowering individuals with the skills and expertise needed to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of software testing and DevOps.

With a strong focus on delivering high-quality education and hands-on practical training, Radical Technologies has established itself as a leading institute in Pune. Our team of experienced instructors comprises industry professionals who bring real-world insights and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that our students receive relevant and up-to-date training.

Our Selenium + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Jenkins courses are meticulously designed to provide a holistic learning experience, covering essential concepts, best practices, and advanced techniques. Whether you’re a beginner looking to kickstart your career in test automation or an experienced professional aiming to enhance your skills, our courses cater to learners of all levels.

The Selenium course equips you with the fundamentals of web automation testing using Selenium WebDriver, while the Cucumber course introduces you to behavior-driven development (BDD) testing and its integration with Selenium for streamlined test automation. With our Rest Assured course, you’ll delve into API testing using the powerful Rest Assured framework, mastering techniques for validating RESTful services with ease.

In addition, our Jenkins course focuses on continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices, empowering you to build robust automation pipelines and accelerate software delivery cycles. Whether you’re interested in setting up automated testing environments, deploying applications efficiently, or optimizing development workflows, our Jenkins training provides you with the essential skills to succeed.

At Radical Technologies, we take pride in our commitment to excellence, innovation, and student success. Our state-of-the-art facilities, interactive learning materials, and practical hands-on labs ensure that every student receives the support and guidance needed to achieve their goals.

Join us at Radical Technologies and embark on a transformative learning journey that will elevate your career prospects and propel you towards success in the dynamic world of software testing and DevOps. Discover the power of Selenium, Cucumber, Rest Assured, and Jenkins with us today!


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